Hello! It's been nearly over a year since my last summary post. Fret not- I do intend on continuing to do them. I just ended up very busy with some things IRL, and also had to work on uploading everything to the site. Now that the latter's been done, I can present to you a few months in review (at least, what I remember happening)! Starting with the next three months from the ones I last did a summary for.

April In Review


I didn't draw very much in April. In fact, only three things were uploaded for that month. Whatever could have happened? I haven't a clue.

I did make this, a new icon for a forum I use. A lil creepy I think. Cute, and eeky.

Hershi reappears this month once again, but a lot more shabby-looking.


My Chans art was also affected. I guess I was more in an experimental mood, considering 3/4 of the art I managed to make was related to Dust, with backgrounds of blue.

This piece was titled, "Wishful Thinking". What ever would Dust wish for?

This one has the added subtitle, "Sands of Time". A little fancy addition sure ups the need for pizazz, eh?


Ah, and that's where that previous Hershi ties into. Perhaps my overwhelming feelings for him as a character were starting to bubble around this time. Phases of grief, anybody?

My frustration of you, making me so unseemly...!

This one's a lot friendlier, so it takes the sloplight. Er, spotlight.

May In Review


Well, something certainly exciting happened to happen around here. One fateful day, on a UMA (User-Made Adopt) server, a person offers a Chimereon MYO for trade. I really couldn't believe my eyes, and torn astrewn by the few offerings I had, gave up my lovely Valentine's event werm as an offering, along with some art to sweeten the deal. Which worked! So I got myself a dream come true- a Chimereon!!

Enter Chichi, a wild cham girl who's every lovely thing I could think of for one so feminine yet beastly. I initially designed her to look a lot more scrappy, but as I lined her ref, I found myself more interested in balancing sharp edges with large, round shapes. So became that of her domed head, pointed ears and horns coming out from it, shapely legs with scruff at the hips, and a squirrely tail topped with fringe. I have to say, no matter what else I had done in a species space that month, she was the definite highlight!

Oh, but then I had to wait for the masterlist to open up to even use her. HAHA....

You can take a look at her by clicking on the thumbnail here, but I have to warn you, it's a rather large image!

Here's one of the pieces of art I had done to get her. I loved shading this one for sure!!


Another scant month for the Chans gallery, I drew a piece of fanart (I suppose I was having diarrhea, as the art below mentions) of a drawing posted of Cassie in maid attire (I think it may have been related to a theme week prompt). I thought it was really funny!! The other thing I drew is a lot more explicit (and not of Cassie in a maid outfit, so don't get your hopes up), so it's not here in this summary.

Here she is, in all her splendor! Though she doesn't look too happy, does she? Sorry....


This month was purely dedicated to COMMISSIONS in the Experimental sector! Happy with how these all turned out. When I posted one of my commissions to a server I was briefly residing in, I was asked for, you guessed it, a commission! How unexpected that was! They had liked the one I sent and wanted an icon similar to it, so I delivered best I could. I had fun doing it, too!

Bzzt! Electric tanuki incoming!

The surprise commission! This character had a very unique design and a cute face. Hope I did them justice!

June In Review


Compared to previous months, I exploded with productivity around this time. I started making icons this month for my characters, at size 500x500px (for toyhouse) and 200x200px (for the incoming Art Fight season). I actually had a lot of fun doing these, as they were not only simple, but looked pretty nice too. After making a few of the 500px ones for some of my own characters, I offered them as a commission option and managed to get quite a bit of interest. After those, I made the 200px ones for all the characters I was entering on Art Fight. In total for the month, I made 13 500px icons, and 7 200px icons.

Also this month, I got another closed species character- Strix! A handsome fellow with a simple yet stunning design, I absolutely had to have him. So there went my money and a lovely piece of art for the person I was buying him from. I sincerely hope they liked the art I made them, as they had requested something specifically for their birthday. I sometimes think about them now and again, wondering how they are.

I was the first to get an icon! Aren't I a lucky pup? (Though, I got third for a small icon. Bummer!)

The dashing wanderer, Strix! Spoiler alert: I don't own him anymore, unfortunately. Happy trails!


I spent some time this month using Chans in my experimental artwork, noted by the lack of non-chan experimental pieces this month. Them being girls, most quite dainty and sweet, is a wonderful cultivator for all feelings femme. I may have my own thoughts and appeals when it comes to the characterization of an individual Chan, but I still like to try to put their essence (haha) into my works, regardless of my own personal intention.

Dust Chan in a bed of flowers.

Chanlet Color Wheel! I'll finish this, one day! They're just too cute to stay away from for long...

Sitely Updates

As far as I was aware, I only did a few uploads to the galleries within this quarter. Not too many major changes.