February's here! And so are some more monthly reviews. Unfortunately, I will have to preface this by saying that these months start out from a promising era of productivity, to a sudden plummet of inactivity. Something major happened in my life that left an impact that prevented me from creating. I hope you can still enjoy what little I have to share.

July In Review


This month popped off magnificently. Art Fight began, and I still had some characters to add into my roster, and a small infatuation with my (now officially listed!) Chimereon, Chichi. My goal was to draw every day for the event, and while I managed that for about two weeks, my energy pewtered out and I ended up doing some more personal stuff. To be fair, I was drawing exclusively lined and colored full-body pieces, many of which had detailed (at least, detailed for me) backgrounds. Maybe next year I can dial it back a little bit.

In total, I made 2 snazzy new references for my characters, 7 fun little icons for an at-a-glance display (or thumbnail, you chose), and 13 drawings for Art Fight! Wowie! Although, only 12 had a background, and of those, 8 got my palms start to itch. Still quite a number! (Despite all the practice, I still hate drawing grass. Oh, bother!)

Hello! I was a popular character this Art Fight. Must be my sweet, kitty-like charm. Hehehe!

This was the last drawing I made for Art Fight. I'm really quite proud of it, even if it's on the simpler side!


Since I was focusing more on the event, I didn't draw too much Chan art. I am happy to say I was able to make something for the anniversary, along with finishing an unfinished drawing of Dust Chan! I probably should update my /chans posts with the anniversary art I've drawn, but I think I'll hold off until I get 2024 galleries up (I made something for the OG Chans comic's anniversary, too!).

Along with those lovely works, I experimented a bit with some art of Sour. I listened to a song (I seem to have forgotten which one, exactly), and tried a different way of shading. I didn't finish or polish either of the attempts I made, but it was alright. Topping that off with some experimental works featuring my darling muse, Dust. Blue, blue, blue!

Dust Chan Party! I finished this just in time for National Moth Week, too!

Happy First Channiversary, Southern Wilds!
I'm so excited to see what another year will bring!


Despite being a very productive month for me, I still felt very under the weather at times. During such moments, music is what led me to still create artwork. Music, which could inspire an impulsive explosion of thoughts, ideas, visions, immediately to be scribbled down onto a canvas. One of these trips round the wringer was enough to make me draw a short, 4-page "comic".

The "comic", inspired by Sweet Trip's song Chocolate, begins with a full illustration, which I spent the most time on to get "just right". Beyond the mountains, a ship plummets. I'll probably do a more extensive breakdown on the future Hershlings page, so keep an eye out.

Emergency lights on, a spiral plummet, a cold and breathless night...

The Heaven side of the Heaven-and-Hell images I drew.
The Hershlings live about their lives in this warm, friendly world.

August In Review


I made it a goal this month to start taking commissions. So I did! I got a lot of people asking to buy, and I was able to complete a few, at first. My major event occured right before the middle of the month, and as such, all initiative I had slunk ever-so-suddenly away. It was okay for me to take a break, right? The inside of me felt torn at my failures....

One of the commissions I had done this month.
Thank you, commissioner, for your patience with me.
For that I am grateful.

A commission done for a friend. They were also very kind with me, as always, and for that also, I am grateful.
The generosity of others is a warm reminder that there is hope in the world.


The Chans art took a definite hit this month. Commissions aside, after the major event, I had difficulty thinking about any of the things I liked. I could only focus on something new that I had begun to enjoy, so everything I was already initiated with fell to the wayside. All I could do was think.

It must have been in my subconscious, to draw something like this.


The only Experimental stuff I made were commissions. To think, I could not even feel the impulse to draw something fantastical, dreary, emotionally-fueled. No. Deadpan.

Thank you for commissioning me, friend! Even if you had to wait a small while.

September In Review


If August wasn't already bad, I died out hard in September. The most I did were a few more of the commissions I had on standby. I was mostly motivated to finish these out of stress, as commissions have a negative connotation for me due to past experiences. One day, it'll get better....

I drew this while listening to Vinesauce play Subnautica. That was a cool time.
Thank you for your patience with me, commissioner!


For this month, I had only done a few doodles on a canvas, which I liked. Some cute, summer-y Sweet Chans, Clipboard and her... mystery pup, a costumed Cholera (and a Minion? or minion? You decide), and a... what is that? We'll talk about that elsewhere on the site. HAHAHA

A silly array of Chans. I wish I could go to the beach with Sweet....


Unlike last month, I doodled something to share my feelings with the world. In reality, I had made two drawings, but considering the matter, I felt only one really grasped what I wanted my vision to convey. What it conveys is up to you, I suppose.

Even the statues are alive? I don't see why not. They're in our image, after all.

Sitely Updates

As far as I was aware, absolutely NO updates were made in this span of time. And if they were, well then gee, I guess I forgot!