Caleb Marsh

I got Caleb from a user on TH for a piece of art and USD. When I saw him, I absolutely loved his design. With a light, warm pelt, fluffy hair and simple accessories being the bulk of his appearance, I felt like this was a feral design I could work with. I didn't usually take an interest in quad designs, especially at the time I got him, but it kinda just spoke to me!

Caleb looked a lot like a skater to me, so he takes an interest in skateboards and being in urban environments as a result. Like much of my characters, he has a kind and outgoing personality. I tend to make my characters like this because I like to have an excuse to draw a character smiley and happy all the time. His dislike for "aggressive pranks" was actually inspired by somebody I knew- they like talking about putting characters in odd scenarios, and I wasn't happy thinking of Caleb being put in such situations.

Art by Me

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