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Lights flicker dimly yet rapidly as lanterns swing on their posts, cold mountain winds forcing them to sway to their whims. Ice encrusts their wooden and metal exteriors, a thin layer of cold fogging the glass.
From the pelting of the blizzard, boots audibly crunched the snow beneath them as a weary yet strong willed traveler came towards them. He looked, tiredly yet curiously, at the two lanterns. A smile spread on his face as his thoughts floated about.
My, a warm light... how bright it is, too. I must be very close to Wintris!
With a renewed skip in his step, the lone traveler continued on whole-heartedly to his destination, leaving the twin lanterns to their swinging and swaying.
Name : Hershel Jr. (Hershi) ➨ Hershi was named after his grandfather, who was also a Chocolate Aisha. He is well liked in the family for his resemblance, as his grandfather had done many a great thing in his lifetime.
Gender / Age : Male / 19 ➨ The youngest child and only son between his parents, he was raised lovingly alongside his sister, Pluuma. He grew up well-tempered, although considerably lean, as Aishas usually go.
Color / Species : Chocolate / Aisha ➨ Hershi was born Chocolate due to his grandfather's genes. As far as he knows, there are only Aisha in his family- there doesn't seem to be anything else but Aisha.
Birthdate : 8th March (Pisces) ➨ A natural born daydreamer and constant thinker, most are amused by the peculiar little ideas and thoughts he shares. Being favored as much as he is, they're not often looked down upon and are often a source of adoration from others.
Occupation : Vagabond ➨ Since he isn't tied down by any responsibilities, Hershi takes long treks through the mountains from his hometown of Frostis to his other half of the family, Wintris. A bit of a mooch since he tends to take every opportunity for a free meal, and doesn't leave a crumb behind.
PetPet : Cocoa the Gingerbread Dandan ➨ The grandchild of Grandpa Hershel's pet Dandan, he took to a teenage Hershel Jr. quite well as a kit. Cocoa hops into his backpack when Hershel Jr. is about to go on the move, and curls up by him when he goes to sleep.
Hershel Jr. has all the traits a Chocolate Aisha should have- brown fur, cream markings, a cream-tipped tail with complimentary cherry-like growth, and tall, red licorice antennae with cream oozing from the ears on top. He's never tried the cream from either his tail or his ears, so it's best left that you don't ask or wonder about that. The cherry-like growth on his tail can detach and re-attach to the cream it usually sits upon, and although it tends to frequently be flicked about, has never been lost.
Unlike his kin, however, his eyes are always open wide. Since his family are the few Aisha left between Frostis and Wintris, he isn't bothered by this difference as his own grandfather shared this same trait.
From his head grows platinum blonde hair, which he usually pats down or combs out. When he's stressed or in a depressed state, his hair tends to appear shaggy and messy. It grows very slowly, so he only needs to snip it every once in a while.
An interesting marking to take note of is the pad on each of his hands. Shaped like hearts, they are one of his lineage's defining traits. Besides that, he has a pad on each finger (except his thumbs) and a large oval pad on the soles of his feet.
Hiking ➨ As his grandfather did, Hershi too enjoys trekking throughout the wilderness. There is something of nature that calms and straightens out the senses, and Hershi especially likes that feeling. He tends to get lost, yes, and he does stray far, far away from the path, yes, and he does forget what he's doing... but he always ends up back on track to his destination. Could a guardian angel be watching over him? Could some strange man of the mountain be taking pity upon this air-headed fool? Perhaps, but Hershi doesn't think much of it. If only his trusty companion Cocoa could say a word or two...
Making New Friends ➨ Frostis and Wintris are small, isolated towns divided by a mountain, and as an effect everybody in their respective homes know each other like close family. Hershi is excited whenever someone new comes to town, or if he meets someone during a hike. Who knows what kind of person they could be, what they know, and what could they teach him?
Learning New Things ➨ Just as he loves meeting new people, he revels in learning new things. A crafty aisha, he works well with his hands and has tried all sorts of things, from woodwork to machinery to fishing to sewing. Hershi knows there's still so much to learn, and he wants to learn it all! Though he isn't so good when it comes to academics... travelling professors, forgive him for he's gotta go!
Having Fun ➨ A philosophy he has kept since childhood, there is always a smile slapped across his face, beaming, crooked, or sleepily, there's no need for worry with him. Sure, he knows how to feel appropriately, but he wants to live each day like it's his last to the point of overcoming any troubles that come his way as quickly and efficiently as possible... not like he gets many problems, actually. Hershi's a bit too carefree to get stuck in sticky situations, but he can get trapped if his curiosity gets the best of him... here's to satisfaction!
Being Confused ➨ Simply for the fact that confusion makes his mind race as he attempts to make sense of whatever is confusing him, causing him to be dizzy and nauseous and yet, like the silly aisha he is he will keep at it until either someone explains, something else catches his interest, or he faints. It never really comes to that last one, but if it does his brain basically force quits itself and makes him take a nice, long nap... even if he's out in the middle of the wilderness off-course from the path. Quite a surprise to awaken to.
Pineapples ➨ He's allergic! Or so he says, just because he despises the acidic taste of pineapple. Hershi has a definite knack for knowing if something has pineapple in it, for his face will change in realization. If you see his face begin to wrinkle inwards the center, his eyes squinting yet puffy, and his mouth frothing, there was probably pineapple in whatever he's taken. Otherwise, he takes to it very well... emotionally.
Skeiths ➨ Here's a little something nobody knows about. Hershi is, without a doubt, blindingly terrified of skeiths. Strange indeed to have a phobia of another species, especially one who he'd never met nor meddled with, this aisha cannot stand the presence nor even the implication of a skeith being anywhere in the vicinity. Due to his nature of straying about, nobody ever notices the connection between his running away and skeiths. In fact, there are no known skeiths to live in either Frostis or Wintris, not even a one to have come through the mountains. The only answer lies within what his grandfather knows...
Hiking ➨ As mentioned above, Hershi loves to explore nature. Thankfully, a large mountain range spreads between his hometown and Wintris, so whenever he happens to want to visit his other family, he can go straight through and do what he loves most- hiking! Never going through the same path, Hershi loves to climb trees, scale walls and run among the pines and rivers. Even as he's trekked through the place many, many times, he hasn't discovered the secrets this place holds...
Learning Odd Jobs ➨ Since neither Wintris nor Frostis have any education available farther than highschool (and there isn't any other town for miles for all they know) learnt trades is especially vital to the survival of both towns. Trades tend to be brought down with families, and since they are small towns, they have taught each other the works necessary for them to thrive. Some of these families are what you may call "dying breeds", those whose abilities are not needed and therefore rarely taught any longer. Hershi's own family is a part of this, hence why they don't have a particular talent for themselves. They are quick learners, however, and that's where Hershi comes in. Since he loves to learn, he's even got some of these "dying breed" jobs under his belt- totem pole-ing, shorthand, and blowing a war horn! (All absolutely unnecessary in today's Frostis and Wintris... unfortunately)
Getting Involved in Strange Situations ➨ Despite his joyous and carefree spirit, an absolutely harmless being, fortune has a peculiar taste for leading him into abnormal affairs. These happenings only occur when he is hiking through the mountains, odd enough, and every time he is able to unstick himself from whatever melodrama he got stuck to, he finds himself where he once was again. Sometimes he wonders in the cold of night, where the moonlight circus is performing now, whether the concrete sidewalks on that sunny beachside strip are still warm, what the theater with the shining red curtains is playing this season (or is the comedy act still going?). If only he and his cousin, Jhuden, were closer friends, maybe he wouldn't be wondering today.
A world encased in a near-never-ending blizzard, constantly cold, never warm. So small, this world can be visualized as a large snow globe. On each end, is a village inhabited by many different kinds of Neopians- dividing them, an immense mountain range. Those who try to walk beyond the villages, beyond the mountains, find themselves endlessly walking into the storm, becoming worse and worse with each mile. This creates the assumption that there is nothing beyond what they know, and it has become common thought to dismiss the idea to explore beyond their reach. That curiosity could be put to use scouring the mountains, but it is a fool's errand. The mountains are constantly changing, paths once taken turning into paths unknown, familiar landmarks suddenly moving or vanishing altogether. Only those with a strong internal compass can make the journey to the other side without disappearing...
When travellers set foot upon this land, they found it entirely untouched. Climbing down from the tunnel from whence they came, they initially settled on the western land of the mountains. Trees were a mite scarce, so they built their settlement out of earth, stone, and hard-packed snow. Since here, it was cold, and the wind bit at them near-constantly, they called this place Frostis. In productivity, they dug underneath the snow, under the dirt, and were able to find flint and coal. This allowed them to light their homes, cook their food, and create tools. Frostis eventually began to flourish, although slowly, but flourish nonetheless. Seeds of vegetation and flora were planted in a large farmhouse, as the weather outside was too harsh to grow much of anything. This farmhouse, being warm, safe, and often traversed, became the meeting place of the village neopets.
In time, many sought a place where the weather was kinder. A small group banded together and made way to whatever was on the other side of the mountain, and discovered land where trees were more abundant, the snow fell softer, and the air didn't bite at their skin like it did in Frostis. The group settled here and made homes for when they went back to fetch their kin. Those who were weaker in health were invited to live at this new establishment, now named Wintris. The less hardy left Frostis behind, and so were the two villages of Frostis and Wintris. As such, the two towns began to develop differently.
Frostis prized its physical labor and handiwork, and worked to build a large, sustainable farm and created homes that were sturdy enough to survive the harsh snow. The farm kept its place as the village's meeting place, and due to its size it also became a place for Neopians to find some respite. A system was quickly put in place wherein everybody worked to do their part in keeping the village afloat. This included snow plowing, roof tending, and farming shifts.
Wintris, having began with mostly family and those who were too weak for the harsh weather and hard labor in Frostis, prioritized its community, and grew to be more social. Some of the first things created were a communal garden and a community center, the center being the hub for village meetings and a place for children to study and socialize while their parents worked. There was of course a system instated similar to Frostis so as village upkeep was consistent, and it was certainly just as mandatory like its counterpart.
Dividing these two villages, are the mountains. Tall, snowy, and mysterious, the highest peaks disappear into the clouds cloaking the sky. Nobody knows where it begins or ends, neither has anybody successfully been able to map it. After more than a century, only two families are left with the ability to navigate it without totally vanishing within its maze-like paths, and both pride in this ability and help others by working as travel guides. They do admit that the paths are always changing- it's only thanks to that internal compass do they not fall prey to the mountains. Otherwise, it's best to look at them from afar...
Unbeknownst to all but two, the mountains are cursed, leading those from their homelands into this "dimension". All over the mountain, caves and tunnels also shift and change with the terrain. Within them, are portals to other dimensions, to worlds unknown. Unfortunately for the neopets of Frostis and Wintris, they have been the only ones to stumble upon this world en-masse. In every other plane, the portals are often hidden and out-of-reach. It is only because of the one who discovered it, the one who led them all here, that they are fated to stay in this place til the end of their lives.
Nykk (Father, Snow Aisha) ➨ A loyal and responsible Aisha, Nykk is part of Frostis' snow-shoveling team and works hard for his family. Nykk inspired Hershi's love for the outdoors, teaching him what he knew of nature and even attempting to explain why things were the way they were and how they became that way, fueling his son's imagination as he went on. Feisty in his youth, Nykk is proud to see his son carry that same spirit in his adventures.
Merry (Mother, Biscuit Aisha) ➨ Warm and loving, Merry always makes sure that Hershi is happy and healthy. She taught him how to cook, clean and sew, valuable abilities for his independence. Hershel loves being by her side and will even sit with her in silence, if only just to be with her. He hopes to one day do something so great, the sadness he sometimes sees in her will go away.
Pluuma (Elder Sister, Ice Aisha) ➨ Although close in childhood, Hershi's relationship with Pluuma has become strained over the years. An incredibly modest and intellectual girl, Pluuma has shut herself from even her own brother, and it was a pain in Hershel's heart until it grew too numb for him to care. Now, despite a faint unwillingness to, he keeps himself away from her.
Jhuden (Cousin, Christmas Aisha) ➨ Jhuden is a short Christmas Aisha with a bit of a temper. He wears a tartan ushanka over his short, messy platinum blond hair, a slightly oversized jacket, jeans, and black galoshes. An incredibly moody and reclusive Aisha, others are polite to him as a formality and to keep his rude demeanor at bay. Hershi doesn't mind it, however, and enjoys being around his cousin. They still don't get along despite it, a shame considering Jhuden knew more about what was going on in the mountains than Hershi did.
Vhanni (Aunt, Jhuden's Mother, Halloween Aisha) ➨ Vhanni and Hershel have an amicable relationship with each other, although it is mostly proper pleasantries and being family. Vhanni would love if Hershi's bright and cheery personality could rub off onto her overly introverted and negative son, and is always happy to let him stay at her home whenever he comes to Wintris.
Autumn (Maternal Grandma, Christmas Aisha) ➨ Hershel Jr. being Autumn's (secret) favorite grandchild, she's always overjoyed to hear from him whenever he happens upon Wintris. While he doesn't know about this particular detail, however, Autumn adores him more for his resemblance to her Hershel than she'd like to admit. Other than that, Autumn is happy to advise her grandson based on the things she'd learned from her late husband.
Hershel (Maternal Grandpa, Chocolate Aisha , Deceased) ➨ Hershel was a Chocolate Aisha who, around the time of his passing, had flaky brown fur with wisps of grey here and there. He had a grey mustache and warm brown eyes. He was a very well-liked Aisha whose untimely disappearance saddened many. Those who knew him and meet Hershi believe his spirit lives on in the young Aisha, both sharing their love for hiking and exploring the mountains.
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Hover over the wearables listed next to each outfit to see the name of the item and whether it's Paint Brush (PB), a Neopoint (NP), or Neocash (NC) item!
This is Hershi's original customization! When I first was looking to trade for a chocolate aisha back in my aisha-hoarding days, I saw a user with a chocolate aisha wearing the blue beanie bob wig, and I just loved how the color of the hair worked with them. So that's when I began building an outfit around those two things and miraculously came to this :D
...and yes, he is a bit wild for going out into the mountains, in blizzards, and freezing cold in a jacket and a pair of jeans. Youth, amirite? xD
This was actually one of my first attempts at straying away from Hershi's original customization. I didn't feel right putting him in anything else, and worried that it would conflict with the fact that his character wouldn't realistically dress as I'd want to dress him. But, alas, the prospect of actually utilizing the customize function for something again was too tempting. Besides, I drew him wearing plenty anyways!
What's this darling outfit? Why, it's "Girlshi"- Hershi's female counterpart (A character under the same name, Hershi lives an entirely different life from "Boyshi"). Initially to be introduced in the Beauty Contest on Valentine's week, I ended up being too busy to finish her entry in the end. Still, she exists, and should soon be formally introduced!
Happy Shamrock Day! It seemed I caught a bit of luck this season when the Shimmering Hat of Luck I needed for this ensemble popped out of the single Lucky Charms Mystery Capsule I bought! Go me :D Including a special thanks to the kind neopian who gifted me the Clover String Lights, which brought this outfit together!!
A casual look fit for March going into April, I was gifted the Electric Faerie Light Umbrella and had to put it on straightaway! I'd say this was better than my original April outfit for him c:
Currently seeking 1 item for a custom:
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