I struggled to finish that last 2-frame gif I wanted to use as a commission example, so I tried making another. I ended up not finishing it, however. Maybe some day I'll get back to it. (In the spring... spring is appropriate for something like this! *wink*)
Spice Chan got an update to her design, so here's the first drawing I made to commemorate that. Yay...?
Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day! I managed to draw this out real quick for the occasion- Malware and Cholera sailing on the digital seas, discovering the treasures that await! Well, with a movie break between it all, apparently.
After that I doodled out an outfit, or a bit of a redesign, I had planned to make for a character. Alas, I wasn't too partial on it, at least enough to keep her. Good bye Mocha! Hello, Holly! I imagined the scene of when she first meets her true-love-to-be, to be, well, in a barn. She probably nestled in on some spare hay to take an overnight nap, but slept in a bit too long. That's when a newbie farmer finds her and gets all spooked, but as the sun shines onto pale and gleaming visage... it was OVER.
I got a nice hat from Captain Crimson on Club Penguin Journey, and I finally found myself a penguin persona to live out in and enjoy. A box-headed penguin! Aren't they a cutie? (Pro-tip: the game shut down only a few days later. It's been back, but, I don't have the box anymore...)
I kept thinking of the idea of Clip posing in front of a mirror, so I made some quick sketches here. Wa-woof!
A depression has hung around me again. An open window, a brittle body... time and time, again.
I'd been playing on a small browser MMO lately with that friend I mentioned in the last post. It's very quiet, and there are only a few people around in very limited spaces at a time, but it's been fun to check in to. I drew this during a long night of hanging out with the locals, if I remember right.
Recently, I'd been watching Disney animated films with a friend of mine. Dumbo's pink parade song really stuck with me, and I kept thinking about it for a while. I drew this while thinking about that song (and I may have listened to it for a while, too). I experimented a bit with the chalk (or was it crayon?) brush on CSP here, and then switched around for the smaller doodles.
I decided to make more drawings of my ghost train werm concept, this time showcasing his train call, and an interaction between himself and Zach. As the conductor of the ghost rail, he'll call out to any wayward spirits in need of a ride to the afterlife. Admission onto the train is rejected to the living, but sometimes, he'll let on someone who feels may be coming along anyway....
Wow! My luck came out once again, as I got yet another long-time werm I'd been pining for. I renamed them to Tansagi, based off of two colorations of koi they were most likely inspired by. Tansa in Zacc's story would be a big brother figure to him, finding him lost in the world he had stumbled into. A loner due to his mutt genes, Tansa becomes the best brother he can be to Zacc, fulfilling a wish for a positive, familial bond....
The world they live in is alive in some ways, and this ancient waterway was formed by the world itself. What sorts of prophecies does it hold? Only those who look will be able to see.
Aren't these girls just the prettiest? I remember when I first saw them, I fell in love with them quite quickly! They were owned by another user for the longest time, but that user seemingly left the community and this werm went into someone else's hands. I don't know if they had been traded any further, but I managed to nab them in a trade with a werm I got from a color-in contest. While that contest werm was glorious, nothing can beat a little grail like these two.