Today I made a base made from another drawing I made with Chichi, and used it to draw Junior onto it. Ain't she a cutie? I then finished a commission and added an extra since it was from my bud. Thanks!
I kept seeing a certain similar type of design again and again that I loved the aesthetics of, so I decided to try to make my own in that style. Meet Harley, an anthro horse. Isn't he cute? Suffice to say I felt satisfied and managed to move on with my life.
I started out today drawing the three Chicoons I own- Hutch, Doodle, and Truffle. None of them named by me, and I never interacted with the species personally, but I did like how they looked. Strange creatures! I imagine they live together in their own little village.
Later I made a quick doodle of Holly trying on something proper for size. She has a film around her body and other parts that acts like a skin, so it's not like she'll stain clothes easily. Though it does end up like you're trying to dress a shapely balloon. Does that make sense?!
Recently, a friend of mine got me an invite to a budding pet sim, Santae. I managed to accrue quite a lot of money quickly, and got a few nice pets this way. Here I've drawn my favorites... maybe a bit too personal a set of names :P
Not of me, but of Sweet. I wish I could have some frozen yogurt right now....
I had my hair cut for the first time in two years. While the hairdresser ripped at my hair, I listened to the music on the radio, and one song drew a pretty picture before my eyes. When I did manage to set it down on the canvas, it didn't at all come out how I wanted, so I gave up. Here's the result of what's left over. What could it have been? (By the way, I could hardly sleep from the pain in my scalp. Relax!)
As a depressing haze hung over me like a not-so-cutesy raincloud, I went to doodling some Marias. While nearly all my other fan-chans are able to live happy lives, Maria lives an unhappy one. She's still young, so she still has a chance. For now however, all she can do is look out and wait for happiness to come....
A redraw of an older drawing I made of Hershi, this time in a two-frame format! I wasn't all that satisfied with the result, however. There's always a little something missing.
Today I scribbled up my two werm gals, Junior and The Horse. For Junior I made a quick sketch, and blocked in colors using the lasso tool. For The Horse I went ahead and made shapes over a sketch. Not too complicated, eh?