The last comms (and art!) of the year before the holiday rush! I really like how these two came out, and I'm happy to say so did the commissioner! Always happy to work with such nice people. Thank you!
Reading people's ideas on how to draw a werm, I went ahead and started doodling out what I thought. Wermz feel difficult to me despite their seemingly simple forms, mostly due to the fact that their heads are segmented by fur 3/4ths of the way through their profile, their forehead-to-snout slope feels so distinct it's easy to mess up, and their eyes are on the sides of their heads even though they're (presumably) based on predator animals (like weasels and ferrets). Not much I can do but just draw them best I can!
Decided to doodle a little comic with Zacc. I've had this idea that he would be chosen by the new world to become a dragon god, and that he would go back to his world and restore life to its planet. Too much at once? Anyways, a dragon spirit would combine into him and he'd gain new powers. Ta-da! Oh, and there's Saturday, the great loon.
This year I got to join the secret santa event in the Chimereons discord! It was so nice seeing everybody's entries, and I have fond memories of working on mine while watching Dragons: Race to the Edge. Isn't that exciting? I wish there was more of it, but I suppose 5 seasons is enough. Something I do dislike is how the movies never reference the show. What's the point of all that wonderful lore building and characters if you aren't gonna even reference them a little bit? Hah! Well, at least this drawing came out wonderfully, in my opinion!
I don't eat breakfast because I get sick, and the constipation causes me to have pains in my stomach. But I do like the idea of having breakfast. It seems nice to be able to eat something like scrambled eggs and toast in the morning. I used to really enjoy eating french toast, for instance. That was a long time ago now, however.
Clip playing with Muffin soon as she comes home. What a naughty puppy!
Bringing in December with some Chichi! Wonder what she's thinking about today? I tried again to make a chat sticker, but I'm still not exactly sure what sort of expressions or actions I'd need one for. Funny that! In the second drawing there, I tried to paint, but I messed up and didn't like it. So there's all that's left of that. Making me crash!