Just these two for today. I had an excellent idea, directly inspired by my Splatoon splashtag, only to realize it didn't exactly follow the prompt. So i scrapped that and made the second one. Still pretty fresh methinks.
Some more Wermz event entries! A seashell color-in, which I drew waves on a beach, with a crab for a pop of color. The second is my lemonade masterpiece- lemonade, strawberry lemonade, and lime-ade altogether! Shaved ice, vanilla, and syrup flavoring to get your mouth a-pucker. Crazy, right?!
Oh, and there's sweet-dear Note Chan having a freakout because she was drawn on an anime base. It's funny, okay....
I opened up commissions for my mini icons and managed to get a buyer! Fun character and fun colors, I was worried I wouldn't be able to fit them onto the canvas. Thankfully, I figured it out.
I've always wanted to do something like this- make a substantial sketch, and then leave it in the backlog for when I'm up for it. I don't know why, I think it's probably because I still intend on finishing my Neopet's backlog of sketches (of which there are about 200 of them), and it's just fun to see all the scenarios I can come up with. I'd like to do more sketches like this in the future. Maybe once I get that traditional gallery up, eh?!?
In the evening, I put together shapes of frustration together to make the little hershlings and enlighteneds you see here. Just liked I always did on my computer, squares of art put together to form a reel. I should try drawing over it like I used to then, too!
Well, would you look at that- Wermz is hosting a summer event! How am I to refuse such an opportunity as to join in with the community? Okay, enough with the funny speech. But with something that is akin to a competition and requires drawing, now that's fun for me.
My two entries for the day, a yukata themed on arts and crafts, and a rainbow trout shake. Imagine the horror I felt when I saw someone else with the same idea as my own. Really, how the heck did this happen?! The last thing I want is for my chance at socializing to be foiled by a coinkidink such as this!! Please, don't be mad at me!!!!
Little girl with rabbit ears, picking daisies off the ground. I'm sure only owls can fly quietly.
As the noontime sunshine streamed on in, I was making more draw-overs. Two with my Hibiki girl, here- a thumbs up! and an innocent little pose. She looks so much like a grandmother in the second, I get second thoughts when I look at it. Should I make it look more like herself? Should it be funny? I find it more out of character and off than funny, but, it's how the image looked like. Hm!
Yep, I found myself a muse. My hand, now only riddled with hard calluses that hurt sometimes (and not all the time), was good enough for me to start drawing again. I drew a lot! I finished these two drawings of my new tanuki gal, Hibiki. The first is an experimental piece utilizing patterns to create details, and the second was drawn referencing my own style used for when I made my character Anna-Marie's images on her character page. I especially love that first one!
The third is of my werm, Junior. I decided it would be nice to draw her, as I don't draw my wermz as much as I should, and it would probably help me socialize a bit within the community (I'm still not good at it). So here she is in my new photo-sticker-icon style, albeit with a bit more shading than before I think.
I found some things that interested me artistically. One was how people used Pinterest to find these cute, drawn reaction images, which they would then draw over with their own character. Here, I drew a mini Rabies Chan over an image of Korilakkuma. The other thing I had been thinking of were free to use anime bases. I wanted to try using them- unfortunately, the nicest ones I found used 1-pixel thick lineart, and it would be such a pain to clean it all up. So I just made something silly to fill in that interest.
Late into the night, I felt once again that artistic muse pulling at me... Dust Chans springing from undisturbed, little flowers....
Lately, I've been working out a character design to fill in a character niche that I wanted in my roster. An artist on ToyHouse that I loved created such pretty designs- however, I wanted this character to really be made by me. I plan to commission them to make me a reference for this cutie for sure!
Here's something I ended up making. I wanted to experiment a bit, and here it is! A photo-esque icon style with stickers drawn over it. It's a pretty fun style to work with, so I'm happy about it. Such a cute face!
Another few bad days for me. I drew Dust Chan, because she's a cute girl. Cute cute cute. How am I ever going to do the things I want to?
It was around this time did I realize this year's Art Fight may have been over for me. I missed a whole week due to pain in my hand from calluses, and my joints began to sting as well. All this from trying to open bottles (which I couldn't open- I had to have someone else open them for me). I don't know why I suddenly became so weak, but it didn't help my productivity.
I put on some music to get me to work on stuff, and while I didn't intend on drawing I ended up doing a couple drawings. In fact, the first one I didn't even listen to any music. It was music in my head mixed up from other songs, that became this pretty chorus of singing that I absolutely needed to draw out. Isn't that just the best? It's too bad that it makes me draw this way. I'll never be accepted into any fanzines if I only drew like this.
The pain in my hand had begun to overwhelm me, so I had to stop drawing. But it was hard not to draw, so I drew a simple reference for a character I got from an artist I like. This character was actually one of the two I really wanted, so I'm lucky to have gotten them. I decided to give him an office-themed dress-up, because I figured a shirt collar and tie would make him look quite nifty. Simple yet effective!
Okay. So since it's been warmer, I've been drinking a lot of water from a lot of water bottles, and it's gotten to the point that I started developing calluses on my fingers from opening them. WTF!! Anyways, I found a new gif I liked and sent it to a bunch of people I hadn't talked to as of late. I ended up drawing an Umbreon eating blue takis after talking to someone who responded. Pretty sweet, huh? (Gif below for reference)
Later in the day, I worked on my next Art Fight attack! My hands were hurting a bit, but I needed to do it... and I like how this one turned out, too. The character reminded me of a seal, so I drew them having fun with seals in the arctic. Lots of creative liberty with this scenario as I don't believe there was anything detailing what they liked to do. No hobbies, no problem....
I started playing Club Penguin Journey at the end of April this year, so I found it a great opportunity to draw a Club Penguin fan character! Paw prints in the snow, a lead towards the answer I've been looking for! I'm quite happy with how they turned out, as I hadn't drawn Club Penguin characters in years (at least since I played, when I was 7 years old).
I ended up being busy AGAIN yesterday, as my family went to a July 4th BBQ and I stayed home to watch over my precious cat, Felicity. Thankfully, she seemed not too scared of the fireworks, even eventually falling asleep. Next day (today!) I started it nice and early with a drawing of Rabies Chan for Bikini Day! She has a very cute beach outfit that was drawn years ago, and I love seeing it time to time. It's funny because she's a hydrophobe and would hate getting anywhere close to the water, but she still looks so pretty regardless....
Next was catching up with Art Fight. I missed a day (AGAIN), but I still wanted to make something good, so here we have someone's Hydreigon pulling out a sick, non-descript attack. Okay, it was originally Dark Pulse, but I got a bit carried away with the details. But doesn't it look so cool?? I'm certainly proud of this one, even if I could have created a better background. Gotta get it out within the day!!
I ended up being busy on Tuesday, so I went ahead and did two for today. The first one being someone's scrafty and jigglypuff fusion named Max. I thought they were a very cute character, and ended up drawing them putting on a show (as jigglypuff is known for its singing). The second one is someone's cookie run character. Having been a player in the past, I'm pretty familiar with how to draw them! I did a bit more with this piece, but it's all about using simple shapes (and some airbrushing) to bring it all together.
Happy Art Fight! Starting with a character I had in my bookmarks for quite a while, a Pac-Man inspired monster who's really just a cutie. I had fun working on this, putting all the colors and patterns in order, and making the ghostly blue treats. Thanks to some friends for help with the suggesting background as well (even if I knew I'd have to do it).