If you look to the left... there's a woomy. I'm more comfortable being seen as an inkling than anything else. I can't really see myself as a furry, and a plain, regular person is too personal. So you get to see woomy... yayyy!!
I think that's all you need to know about me right now. I don't like sharing about myself beyond that kind of blurb. Maybe if we got to know eachother, I'd be more than happy to share a little more! I love to share with my friends, after all!

My inkling goes by the name Twicky- the same name I use for myself online. In a past iteration of the name, she was a completely different character. She's changed a lot even from the start of her new self, but I guess that's how it is. People change, especially when a lot happens in that span of time.
Her personality is something like my own... or, how I hope to be. Friendly, competitive, and thoughtful, my inksona loves being with friends and having fun with them. Nothing is better to her than a riveting battle bound to become a warm memory. She loves trying to do her best, even if things tend to escape her time to time.
To share a hobby, my inkling occasionally draws too. Although, she's really bad at it, and all her art looks like a child scrawled on a piece of paper. But she's very proud of her artwork, even if she never actually improves! A humorous quality often lost on her.
Twicky lives in an apartment at Flounder Heights, just like every other incarnation of inksona I've had. She lives on her own, although in another instance, she shares the place with a person she loves. Preferring to be out and about, she often visits her best friend's house to babysit his little friends. Being there makes her feel very happy, so she's over pretty frequently!!
My inkling is me... she lives the life I wish I had. It's fun to think about.

The Things
I Enjoy!
= My Epic Top 3 Interests :D =