
April 14, 2021

Over-arching plot: A game where you dig into the ground for resources and rarities, using resources to build and rarities for either xp or to access more areas

Furthest back I can remember is I saw two friends in a classroom-like setting, but casual. They were drawing. I felt like I was looking up to them. They were talking too. Time passes and I see their art on some loose paper. I’m told they’ve gone and done their own things. I’m playing the game with my cousin when I guess the server matched up with one of the two friends I saw- the game was played in person; you actually had to dig and build by hand -and I was starstruck. I did my best to dig and build and eventually things ended up at my house. My cousin and I were working together while a small party was happening...

I invited that friend over and he came along, asking what we were gonna do game-wise and I was so excited to have him there, I showed him the area we were gonna build up from, an area by the alley of the house where I'd placed gates. We then went to the front lawn, which changed to being reddish purple dirt with low-hanging purple trees. Floor cookies, which were pink frosted pretzels really, kept spawning and I ate them. Cousin and I played with some of the spawned items and the friend got bored, deciding to leave. I woke up after.

April 13, 2021

I dreamt of my boyfriend, myself, and a big dude defying an enemy on a huge school campus. Starting at the library, we learned of something we shouldn’t have. The enemy were hall monitors initially, since we were out of class. We left the library and saw the enemy, and rushed to escape. I remember a queen and her “children” searching for us.

Small details I can remember, I pretended to betray my friends and told the enemy where we'd be... I asked them to spare the life of a friend of ours, who was manning the radio signal, but they killed him when I went to another room to get my boyfriend. Things started good for us, but eventually, our spirits were wasted away as friends kept getting caught or killed. It felt as if we had lost.

We were walking up a spiral of stairs to our next class, as we should, when my boyfriend decided to jump off the rail inwards. I couldn’t do anything since the crowd was pushing up. Eventually, I ditched class with the big dude and we went in search of him. He was in a low-key space of his own where he was apparently king of his own gang. He was shy about me finding him, and we set off again...

I also remember, there were open streams in half pipes on the ground around the outside of campus. they held secret passages to around the school at their ends.

April 12, 2021

My mom and I went on vacation at a town for halloween. I went out in costume and saw a bunch of friends from school on a street corner and even more on the park right by there. When I got close to the street corner and approached the group there, a girl I recognized starting bullying me, telling me my costume was ragged and I didn’t belong there. Nobody else said anything, and as I looked around and they were all just staring at me while she was berating me. I walked back to where mom and I was staying and wanted to cry. I felt so broken apart and shameful...

April 10, 2021


...At the end of my dream, I was with a girl, and we were waiting for a door to a bedroom to open, but something was happening that was making me hysterical. She asked why, and while I was hugging her told her they were right in front of her. Children with beady, sunken red eyes and wide mouths full of sharp thin fangs and it was so dark. We ran down the halls and forced the bedroom door open and closed it behind us, putting the curtain on the window, and waited. Then I woke up.

April 4, 2021


I was dreaming about school, then I guess my aunt came to pick me and my cousin up. We went to her car, I took the back seat cousin took front. Aunt put one daughter in the booster seat the other on the free seat. idk how it happened but we were fixing her younger daughter’s seatbelt and talking about what she liked, I saw out the front of the car and we were on a highway lane driving into a curve, I asked my aunt who was driving and she took the wheel- but it was too late for her to take the turn and we hit the divider off the road, they were all screaming, and we hit a wall and I woke up


March 8, 2021


Last night, I dreamt of many things. I will separate them into paragraphs.

The earliest part of the dream I remember was when I was part of a live game. I saw a white nintendo DS, and on there was a minigame compilation. I and some others were playing together, going forward on a gameboard. One of the minigames had cherry blossoms and people in white, spandex bodysuits. It was pretty funny, but something else was going on in the background...

Somehow, I was turned into robin from teen titans along the way. I was captured by someone, and the other characters from the show were turned into... furniture? I was in a wire cage in a place covered by green tarp. I struggled to get out- I felt fear, but not an all-consuming fear. I felt a fear where I needed to escape, and I was brave enough that I was willing to pursue exiting through force. I think it was only in my memory within the dream, but I felt I had been molested by my captor. Finally, the door to the cage broke, and I swung out, finding the entrance gone, and tore through the tarp to escape.

I was somewhere else, again, but as myself. I was in a backyard-like structure with a tall shed surrounded by a fence. There were people here, hanging out, jumping about, doing as they did. I came close to the shed, climbed up somewhere, and saw a part of the wall and roof was open, so I could look inside. There were shelves of books, and when I got and held one, it was about pokemon. All these shelves held thick, hardcover books- the most ideal type of book, in my opinion- about pokemon. The book I had was a dark, dull brown, with a picture of a pichu and a ho-oh on it. I was very interested, and saw all the other books, of so many pokemon stories. They held plots that were totally unlike those existing...

Again, I was warped. I was in a dorm now. I can't remember too much. All I know, is I was with friends I'd never met...

The final part of the dream. I was in a computer lab, where the computers faced the wall and at the center were tables of people's pet fish. I forgot I had a betta fish, in a tall cylindrical, segmented tank, and hurried to change the water. Slowly, I saw one more, two more, three more betta fish. My fish had apparently been pregnant when I bought it and laid eggs when I wasn't looking. But these fish were almost as large as my original one! My fish was dark blue and black. One of the new ones I remember was white with red accents. Peculiar!

March 7, 2021

Vaguely now, I remember a runaway van going down the street... a chocolate.

March 6, 2021

Last night, I dreamt I was on a class trip, and we ended up at an airport that was also a school... I remember me and some others going into an elevator, and the bottom falling out, so we all fell down the chute. we were fine. I was in an auditorium for some time while waiting for my class. I saw my friend Kags- why was he leaving down the hall when our class was going into the room? turns out, I didn't do the assignment, and neither did he! it was a halloween-themed essay prompt... when I was chosen to read mine (some of the class already had the privilege of leaving) I made something up on the spot. I don't remember what else happened.

March 4, 2021

I can remember little of this dream now... I dreamt I had become a chubby asian boy with glasses who was working on a project for theatre... the teacher disliked it so much, she accused of me of not really being british (huh?) when I had told her I was chinese before (huh??). we were in the backyard of a large house at night. I went to the front and got into a silver van. I was driving away when the teacher began chasing me. she grew to a monstrous size and started tearing through the neighborhood...

March 3, 2021

Last night, I slept three times, so I dreamt three times. However, these dreams have become vague...

I remember being at a drug store. It was me, and a bunch of other kids. We were supposed to wait for someone to come pick us up. For the sake of continuity, the area of the drug store appears thrice. Behind the drug store, were arcade cabinets, where kids hung out. My cousin and I went to a train station to go home. It was very dark and green, and the structures made the area a bit crowded. There were crane games for sheer tights and bodysuits. I got a few of them before boarding the train, which was also green. We went through a tunnel and by a neighborhood to another tunnel. The train stopped in this tunnel. We got off- from there, I can't remember...

At the drug store again, I played chase with someone in a batman costume and someone else in a robin costume. I ran across the street, up the hill to the shopping center, behind to a large gated area to the right where I saw Priscilla on a couch in front of a trash bin. I asked her if the large, dark green house higher up the hill was hers, and she said yes. I then asked if I could go up there to find the two boys I was after, and she said sure. As we walked up to her house, I saw the two boys run to the right, down a scenic path lined with tall trees and vines. I was able to grab and pin the robin boy down to the ground. The batman boy was hanging from a vine, looked down and spat. I covered my forehead with an arm...

Inside the mansion was all sorts of things happening. What came up to this point however, was this- I was in a space, where someone dropped their wallet... I gave the lady her wallet, and she was very friendly. I remember moving out this house back to the other, the other I felt a sense of belonging despite never remembering having been there. Under my grandma's sink, were cute plushies of muppets, bears, and a stray nyan cat. I wanted one so bad, I kept grabbing one and looking it over. But I don't remember taking one. We put the stuff in the back of the car home, and when I came home, it was okay... somewhere along that line things changed, I was in a thin room with a window to the hall but no door, and people were squashed against the window. They wanted something from me. The walls were blue, made of scrap metal and drilled together to form a wall. I can't remember if the other side was really grass...

Again at the mansion, was many things happening, and many rooms for it to happen. At some point the house caught fire, people freaking out and I grabbing two people from their rooms with their laptops, til it was fine again and a romance segment began. Two people lovey-dovey together, then a beautiful girl who fell in love with an uglier girl, and then a cat and a fatter cat, something like that... on the roof fixing it was a large dragon-esque creature, too... I went outside into a car. Across the street from the bustling mansion was the drug store. A driver, my cousin, and someone else came into the car. We went to a different, farther drug store, but this one was overrun with zombie-esque kids. We drove into the store itself, grabbed a couple things to buy. I got four books, and snacks. When we went to the counter however I didn't have enough money, so I swapped two books for one. The cashier was being slow for some reason, and I offered to buy another book, which was 55 cents. The two books I took out, were two books about poseidon, perhaps... a mermaid and a trident on each spine. The one I took instead, was also about a mermaid. On the cover she stood on a beach with houses in the background. It was a bit of an artistic style. The other one I got, had horses and unicorns on it. I felt some way about that one. My cousin showed me three books she was gonna get, a series of books about a girl and her magical unicorn. I don't remember what else happened...

April 2, 2021

Last night, I remember two halves of an orange magnetically sticking to eachother from two sides of a tall bamboo fence... while I was in the background, it seemed dark, and I could look into the orange-lit windows on the back of my neighbor's house. I went inside my own, in the front extra room it was dark. People were sleeping in there- I closed the door shut behind me, by accident of course, and the mirror on the outer side cracked. My friend J and K woke up from their beds. Where the restroom door was, on the other side was the city....

We walked up by a hilly road. One thing led to another, I was too far ahead and the city grounds were covered in poisonous Ditto. Soon the water came, washing them away, and lightning struck as Pokemon appeared onto the streets. Why did I become a Luxray? I remember attacking another pokemon with a claw cloaked with electricity. There was a tall business-like building, except they were apartments, with four large windows per row, and two vending machines on each side of the entrance. I woke up as me and my friends regrouped and so too did the city...

March 1, 2021

Last night, the first thing I remember dreaming about was of Splatoon! We were actually inklings and playing turf war around the pillars of a building... I was then in an outdoor library, and looked through for a book... I went into a classroom with no chairs or tables afterwards. I threw some crayon shavings on the floor, then tried to pick it up again when the teacher came in. We were all put into a line and walked out the classroom. Outside, it looked like a park, with a wide blue stream and large school buildings surrounding the area. We were told, since this was an art class, to sketch something with as much detail as we could manage so we could go home. I drew my splatoon 1 inkling girl, but I was unsatisfied with how scratchy it was, so I redrew her with a better pencil. I drew the ridges of her sweater cuff, the buttons, and her leg, most vividly.