It's Another Year!

BLOG | Been gone for half of a year!

February 21st, 2025 (Friday) | Tags: Personal, Death

Happy New Year! A little late, but better that than never, right?! :wink:

So what's been happening? Well, at the start of October, my grandfather passed away. Only a year and two months from when my grandmother, his estranged wife, passed. His birthday was only 3 days prior to his passing. We were supposed to see him then, but when my mom heard his voice over the phone, she became too afraid to face him. She knew he would pass soon.

The details of his state at death aren't pleasant, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to think about it without becoming scared of death. Neither of my grandparents passed in an idyllic way. Even though we weren't close, and I hadn't seen him since my grandmother's funeral, I still cry for him. I wish things didn't end for them this way. I can only hope my grandmother was able to forgive him in heaven.

I think it's okay to cry for people who are gone. My grandmother, at 70 years old, still cried for her father who passed when she was around her 20s. I think to myself, if I don't cry for them, who will?

Anyways, after a month of mourning, a funeral (is it a funeral? idk we're Catholic), cremation, and watching time pass over beyond the things I had wanted to look forward to, November came. Yippee my birth month!! Best news I could give you is I did end up going to Universal Studios, and I had a great time. Kinda.

My mom and I arrived early and when the park finally let us in we bee-lined it straight to Hogsmead, and onto Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey! I hadn't been on a "coaster" experience in quite a while, so it was a smidge overwhelming, but I had so much fun that once we got off I cried. I was so thankful to have been able to go. Being able to laugh and smile was the best after all that's happened. :happy:

Unfortunately my mom's fun ended when we went to the Nintedo World area. It was an overstimulating NIGHTMARE! :sad: Perfectly suited for kids, lol. We stuck around because we were going to eat at Toad's Cafe, and through the pain and suffering it was really worth it!! I'll hold that mount beanpole cake in my heart forever... so yummy! :happy: After that we skidaddled back to Hogsmead and I got a Slytherin scarf customized with my name on it. I wish this winter hadn't been so hot, I'd have loved to wear it out more!

From there blew in December... I didn't expect to be so bothered with stuff then. On the Monday of Christmas week we went to eat Korean BBQ, and it was excellent- most notably the marinated beef. Afterwards I had an almond milk chocolate shake at Cold Stone and that was amazing too! Next morning however I was in intense pain from all the beef I'd eaten- constipation, really. I survived, even if it felt like the serious pains I had when I was thought to have had gastritis. :woomy:

Christmas day was difficult. I cried because I missed my grandma. Christmas just hadn't felt the same since she'd gone. I at least went to my aunt's house, which was warmed by a fireplace and I got to meet her cat, Luna. Fluffy black creature! We watched It's A Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, and Elf. I drank hot cocoa and even though it had water rather than milk, it was nice. I think it was a fine Christmas.

Happy New Year... January was a slog. I don't really remember much aside from talks of my family switching sides in the house. Which led up to construction being done into February, and moving tons of stuff around. It was stressful and I hurt myself so much my muscles were constantly tingling and my feet stung. My muscles are tingling right now!

Something that bothers me very much is my aunt's attitude toward me throughout this whole ordeal (not Christmas aunt, this is the one we live with). She was incredibly helpful, chatty, and accommodating. Probably cuz she also wanted to have this over with. But as soon as we finally switched sides, she became cold and wouldn't even acknowledged me at times. A lot of the time I just think of my grandmother's wish for us to get along, and I can only hope she sees wtf is going on cuz it's not me who's pushing people away... :woomy:

That's my personal spiel on what I've been up to. I needed to let this out somewhere, particularly the death part. It's hard having to deal with two close deaths so close together. It's hard when I don't know how to comfort my family and I can't do anything to make things like they could have. Everybody wants to run in every other direction like bugs from under a rock....

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